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What is special about Yukon?

The Yukon Territory in northwest Canada is known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and unique attractions. Highlights include:

Kluane National Park and Reserve: A UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring Canada’s tallest mountain, Mount Logan, and extensive icefields. Visitors can hike, camp, and watch wildlife like grizzly bears and golden eagles.


Sign Post Forest: Located in Watson Lake, this quirky landmark began in 1942 and now features over 100,000 signs from around the world, showcasing human creativity and the desire to leave a mark.

Yukon Wildlife Preserve: Near Whitehorse, this 700-acre refuge lets visitors see native animals like muskoxen and arctic foxes up close along a 5km trail. It also focuses on protecting and rehabilitating local species.


Yukon offers a blend of natural beauty, history, and unique experiences, making it a memorable destination for adventurers and nature lovers.